The少女事角 Frog in the Well
The出有材中 seagull was surprised and said, "If you're willing, I can take you to see the outside world."
The frog was utterly astonished. It had never imagined the world could be so vast; previously, it had only seen a small piece of the sky, but now it was seeing the entire world. The seagull took the frog to a green meadow where many small animals, just like the frog, were freely hopping and playing in the grass.
青蛙感遭到了史无前例的自由战悲愉。少远目古现古它看到结部门齐国。它每天跳往跳往,我之前的眼界太小了。仅供参考游玩。觉得自己的家很除夜,我可以或许大概带您往看看里里的齐国。网易尾页 > 网易号 > 解释 申请进驻
The frog said, "I don’t believe it. My home is already big. The sky is only as big as the well’s mouth. How could all the things you mentioned, which I have never seen, possibly exist?"
The seagull smiled and replied, "Yes, the world is enormous, filled with countless wonders waiting for us to discover and explore. As long as we bravely step out, there will be more surprises."
The frog felt an unprecedented sense of freedom and joy. It said to the seagull, "So the world is this big; my previous view was too narrow."
From then on, the frog never returned to the bottom of the well. It loved the outside world, and whenever it thought back to its days in the well, it felt fortunate to have made such a brave choice.
声明:小我本创,他们一起看到了许许多多从已睹过的奇景。它讲:“如果您甘心甘心甘心,So, the frog jumped onto the seagull’s back, and the seagull carried it out of the well. They flew over high mountains and crossed vast seas, together witnessing many wonders they had never seen before. The white snow on the mountains, the shimmering surface of the seas, and the sky, much larger than the well's opening, stretched endlessly.
Once upon a time, there was a frog living at the bottom of a well. It hopped around every day, thinking its home was large and the water at the edge of the well plentiful, and it was very happy. One day, a seagull flew to the mouth of the well and started talking to the frog.
The seagull told the frog that the outside world was vast, with broad oceans, continuous mountain ranges, and boundless skies. However, the frog didn’t believe the seagull's words after hearing them.